29 May 2011

what we do is what we do

¡Ha estado una semana para los libros! ¡Yo he visto tantas cosas! ¡Espero que todos están listos! También, si yo estaba loca por las flores antes, yo no sé como se describe este! Disfruta~

Primero, en el lunes, para la noche de hogar, nuestro grupo fue al Real Jardín Botánico. Yo no estaba allí por mucho tiempo, pero yo vi muchas flores bonitas. 

It has been a week for the books! I've seen so many things! I hope ya'll are ready for this :) Also.. If I was flower crazy before, I DONT KNOW WHAT TO CALL THIS! I have about a gazillion flower picks this go round. Enjoy :)

First, on Monday, for Family Home Evening, the group went to see the Royal Botanical Gardens in Madrid. I wasn't there for very long but I saw some pretty flowers. Then on Wednesday we left for our "weekend" excursion. We visited Córdoba, Sevilla, y Granada. So excited to show you all my memorize! But, I want to give everyone fair warning. I uploaded 130 pictures. Hehe :)

Real Jardín Botánico

Pretty white flowers


Audi y yo

Hope, Kylie, Nat, me, Rinna, Audi


Aud and Rinna. Matchinnnn

Favs flores del día

Can we talk about how gorgeous everything is in Madrid?

And sometimes I skype-date with Audi

Wednesday- 25 de mayo

Let's talk about Don Quijote de la Mancha

Does everyone remember when he tries to battle the giants?! These are them!!!
For those who don't know, during his adventure, he and Sancho come across these big windmills and Don Quijote thinks they are giants! He then goes to fight them to the deathhhh.
It was so FUN seeing these exact windmills that we saw in the movie.

No, my feet are not touching the ground

Me and mi compañera de cuarto

Hope, Kylie, y yo

We then stopped in one more little town that was gung-ho-Quijote. 
Saw these "protectors for lips" and thought they were pretty funny.
Sometimes we just call them chapstick...

I really do :)

And sometimes we take pictures alone


Córdoba was such a pretty city! Boy was it HOT though!!!
and the water that flows through that bridge behind me?
Let's just say there's a reason I made this pic black and white... :P

"Where ARE all the oranges?!"
Adriana and I have seen an awful lot of courtyards together. 
And every single time we do, we say (in British accents) 
"Would you like to eat some oranges in the courtyard?" And other funny british things.
The thing is, no courtyard has ever actually had an orange. UNTIL TODAY. We both almost died.
Turns out there are courtyards with orange trees all over Córdoba. Officially our town. 
Yep, ours.


So I didn't buy ice cream here... but I like the giant sign

So, hey

THIS is the reason we came to Córdoba. La Mezquita. 
This place holds a lot of history for the city of Córdoba and Spain itself. 

Really blurry, sorry :(
This place was unreal though. 
It was so cool to see it in person after learning about it in class.


Más naranjas!


Oh, just my front door. No bigs

I want my courtyard to look like this one

And this!


I've got this weird thing with the door knobs here. 
I just love them!

Yo no quiero al conde de Cabra, triste de mí, yo no quiero al conde de Cabra, sino es a ti
I looked this up and it apparently has something to do with some old shady story.
Not really sure what. 

Sevilla was gorgeous!

This is something I am ALWAYS asking myself!
Chocolate or Strawberry?!

Sevilla sunset :)

Audi is really classy. really. classy.

Audi y Rachel están jémelas!

Thursday- 26 de Mayo

Ok. Still in Sevilla. We got to sleep in! Breakfast wasn't til 10 this morning!
Then we set off for the day. Our first visit was the Real Alcazar.
This place was UNREAL. I am not kidding when I say the prettiest garden I've ever seen.
There were PURPLE TREES. You will see :)

This royal palace used to be a Moorish fort. It is FILLED with Arab art and architecture.
I LOVE Arab architecture! Way more than Roman. Call me crazy.
Seriously though, I just love the detail of everything. 
Here coma da pics.


sooo cool

¡¡¡This makes me think of Minnesota!!!
All they need is a Moose :)

cool cool cool


This is Christopher Columbus! Can you see him?

Real Alcazar
Royal Alcazar

This is like Utopia! You don't fine this ANYWHERE! Crazy mix of insane architecture and nature.

Rylee bylee and me

So much detail!

Still in awe!

k. stop it. 

This was my friend :) He was a sweetie. His name is Phil


Purple TREE!!! Did you see all the purple on the ground in the two previous pics?!

Can we talk about this pic? I love it for so many reasons.
1. Beautiful family
2. Beautiful Audi
3. Hermana Stallings is the sweetest woman in the world 
and she has a flower in her hair
4. Rachel is so chill. and crazy gorgeous.
5. Jonny's got swag

Pretty purple tree in the wata

Me and ma grrrl


This is a little fountain we saw just in a little random corner. 
So precious. Not braggy.
loves it

Cobblestone streets just don't get old

Justin Bieber came to Spain right before I did.
Random fact.. don't know where that came from... sorry
OH LOOK! Someone wrote my initials in a HEART while he was in Spain!!!

Catedral de Sevilla! Only the biggest cathedral in Spain. 
3rd biggest in the world or something like that!
Crazy huh? This place was gorgeous.


Courtyard outside the Catedral


and again

These men are carrying the bones of Christopher Columbus.
So strange to be standing so close. 
What an experience though.

We even got to climb a tower of the cathedral! Up by the bells! What a great view :)

Ding dong merrily on high :)

This is the house Audi and I are going to buy.
Party tonight!

My main man Mozart! Wolgang Ammadeus! 
Remember when he came to Sevilla?

Me, Kylie, Audi, and Rinna

Wait, THIS is where we've been this whole time?!

another alley

just another house we're going to buy

Another evening shot of Sevilla from the bridge

Love this pic. We went to another Flamenco. This time it was club style!
Way cool experience.

This is Michael.
He was taking pictures of the two most super attractive Spaniard men he's ever seen.
One was one of the singers in the band and the other was a dancer.
Both were incredible and completely straight.
Thanks for taking pics Mikeyyyyy

Sooo what next? Meet the cast? Kiss the... cast, I just don't know what comes next!

Friday- 27 de mayo

Granada :)))))

Alright kids. This pic goes out to mi madre :) mi mejor amiga en todo el mundo.
She really wanted to see a pic of the white hills of Andalucia. 
Sooo here ya go mommy :)

Ok. Here comes the good stuff. La Alhambra. 
Only the most beautiful place I have ever been in.

See what I mean?
No?! Ok. well. you will.

Oh yeah. This one is money in the bank.

La Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex 
constructed during the mid 14th century by Moorish rulers. 
And yes, I did know all of that in my head. 
By no means did I copy and paste that from Wiki.

Pretty pretty flower!

Mow flowas

This is my garden :)


This is my friend Rylee. She is so PRETTY!
Also, arco de media punto. 

A, R & R

Again with the Arab architectures.
It kills me.

I love this. First, because it looks really cool.
Second, because it resembles Wilson from Castaway

Generalife was unreallll

Aquí es la cosa. This stuff isn't real. I am so blown away.

Natural moat

Pretty view!

My hedge could beat up your hedge

I. love. this.
I mean, if you're gonna make a sidewalk, make a swirly sidewalk

And this is how they used their resources

So many layers!

Pretty purple flower in a tree. Not a bush.

My friends

Another door

im running out of captions for flower pics

Random little patch of cute clover-looking things!

So. Adriana was a sickie. It was an emergency.
Then she ate a happy hippo. 
Then she was a happy bear :)

I am not a tourist.

If I could trade hair with anyone in the world...
I would trade with JB.
And then Rylee.

This looks like a grapefruit!
Actually... it looks like a flower

"I hope those two cats accidentally get shot."

If you've got it, flaunt it.

The royal seal

Coolest wall I've ever seen

Achmed was here

More details :)

I want to perform on that baby stage!

My earphone makes me look like a secret agent. 

Welcome to my humble abode!

Audi and me

Can you just imagine having this be your front door?


Twinkle twinkle

Like this quite a lot :)

Just the view. En Bees Dee

Our reflection. Kinda coolish

Peek a booo

Ok. In all seriousness. How unreal incredible is this?

Pretty wood

I believe this is the Court of Lions


Leaf boat! and a koi phish!
My friends Ben and Jerry taught me how to spell phish.

This is Michael and me in the prettiest place evs!

OK! So. Now that you are all on texture and design overload from the Alhambra pics, lets bring it down a little bit. After the Alhambra, we got DOMINOS pizza for dinner (again.. no we are not tourists.)
THEN, we went to an Arab market! It was streets just filled with little shops and little men working in the shops who you could bargain down on anything. Along with all the shops were tons of restaurants! Cute huh? Yeah! And guess what these restaurants were serving! Food? Nope!
HOOKA! That's right! This place was a class act. (JOKE).
haha ok so the whole thing was sups sketch, but SO FUN.

Audi and I made a friend. He sold us jewelry. 
We basically stole them from him. So cheap.
But he was hilarious. We went back to take a pic with him and he was so bubbly
because "his friiieeends" were back. hahaha
Then he put those jank gypsy hats on us and a turban on himself
and we took a pic! Fun huh? He also gave us essence as a parting gift.
Thanks bro.

This is audi and me with our sketchy essences. 

Saturday- 28 de mayo

Sometimes we feel like this.

Audi is a little boy

Vale. On our way home (Alcalá) we stopped in a little town just outside Granada to look at this house. Aubrey was already inside and I took this pic.

This is Audi and me with a wishing well.

They are called nísperos (no idea what it is in English)
and the are soooo good. You just peel off the baby skin and eat it!
Super juicy a little tart, but still sweet!
Oh man. Just love them. When I saw them on this tree I was SO excited!

Sometime on the bus it's hard to find your backpack.

Haha alright. So backpacks are all the same and all in the isle. Good times on the bus. Everyone sleeps. Or we watch movies. Or we all listen to each other iPods. Or we get fat from all the junky food we eat. Or we get hot when the AC doesn't work. But still. Good times :)

This weekend excursion has been among my favorites so far. We are really so blessed to be where we are. Doing what we are doing. I am in love with this country :)

Sorry for how freakishly long this blog post was. Also, sorry that many of my captions are lamer than lame. But thanks for reading it :) I love sharing everything I see here with everyone I know! I truly wish everyone could be where I am. Life-changing. If you (yes YOU) ever have the opportunity to travel, DO IT. You will not regret it. 

Love you all. 

Also, I want to make it clear that although I wanted to about a hundred million times, I did NOT eat one single helado on this excursion. I know. I'm like way strong.

Also, I currently have Justin Bieber Never Say Never on my computer. I will be watching that with Audi tomorrow and I will probably cry... more than once. 

S feliz :) tan feliz :)