29 April 2011



Ese post solamente se trata de COMIDA! This post is only about food!!! Natalie y yo tendríamos un día lleno de comida :) Fuimos al supermercado y compramos cosas buenísimas.

Nat and I went to the market and got some awesome thangs!!!!!!!

So it's going to be a quick post but very important. Pay attention :)

This is at the market. In case you couldn't tell, behind me is a big old row of meats and fishies hanging by their little tail feathers. A sight to see :) and smell ;)

Ha ok. Tonight's cena went down at a local tapas bar. Natalie ordered a Torta Mixta and I decided to get torta mixta con un huevo. That's right. An egg. Turns out, because I went all fancy and got an egg on my ham and cheese sandwhich, I also got papas y una "ensalada". Haha we thought it was way funny. Also. Please notice the décor of the sandwich. One egg sunny-side-up, BUT in case you couldn't see it, they cut a hole in the bread. Honestly, I thought it was the cutest thing in the world. Such a fun night :)

Alright kids. This is the big stuff. Upon visiting the supermercado today, I finally came in contact with my FAVORITE food. That's correct. Above pizza AND Ben and Jerry's ice cream we are talking about HAPPY HIPPOS! My passion for these German confections stems from my friendship with a certain Camron Stewart. Ever since i left his side (about 9 days ago) I have been without Happy Hippos. They don't sell them ANYWHERE in the states. So I was so excited to come to Europe and see them everywhere! To my dismay I hadn't seen any :( Until this blessed day when they stole my attention at the supermercado.
I've never been so happy :).... hippo

Here is a close-up of a little thing I sometimes call Heaven in a Box

THIS IS HIM! HE'S MY HAPPY HIPPO!!!!! I named this one Paco :) he now resides in my happy tummy. What a happy day. What a happy world.
Camron, I found them :)

S siendo como un hipopótamo feliz :)

28 April 2011

At least we can cry tears of flower nectar...

Ay de mi. Ok so I'm figuring out very quickly that being in Spain is exhausting. Basicamente, I have slept like freaking NyQuil addict. It's been great. And it's great because it means we do so MUCH every day :) So I have yesterday and today to do becauseeeeeeee I had no internet yesterday. Funny story. Natalie y yo have been getting so frustrated because the internet will randomly disappear and we have nooo idea why. And it's our only source of communication so we value it so much. Anyway, we found out tonight that we've been using the wrong wifi connection. HAHAHA. now we have María's and we are alllll good :) so. days 2 and 3 en España.

(Oh and quick disclaimer. Lo siento a Profesora Bina porque no estoy hablando en español por eso. Son las 2 en la mañana y necesito dormir pronto!

Ok, primero. María is so adorable! We try to always communicate when we will be home para la comida (lunch) y la cena (dinner). We're pretty much always home for one of the two. But sometimes she leaves things in the fridge for us. Basically she takes really good care of us. Like, tomorrow we are going to Toledo and she's packing us little "picnics" (probably ham and cheese tortas) for the trip :) HOW CUTE IS SHE?! How cute is her handwriting?! Lastly, she has decided to just call me Erika because it's much easier to say than Rikki.
Too precious. Love her!!

This is a pic of the church where Miguel de Cervantes was baptized. He's a pretty big deal here in Alcalá de Henares. He was born here :) haha so yeah. Pretty cool. Oh, and in case you're feeling completely out of the loop, Cervantes is only the author of Don Quijote the Man of La Mancha. So if you didn't know that... I'm not gonna judge you.. just don't tell me :P haha.

I took this pic on the Calle Mayor. How cliché is this precious little Spaniard woman? I pretty much just thought she was as cute as pie on her little balcony so I snapped a pic.

This is Nat and I in front of Cervantes' house!!! This bench is home to the statues of Don Quijote and his faithful squire Sancho. Sancho is da man.

Spaniard playing some cool keyless piano thang. Pretty tight.

Ok well this is just a small peek of the Plaza de Cervantes. I mean, not too gorgeous, right?

This is the balcony in the Plaza. This is where I will be proposed to...
but not on this trip ;)
No worries mom.


It's great to know that Spaniards can still park better than Utahn's ;)

La Calle de Valencia. Wuddup!

This is Natalie j reppin' it like Tyra at our house :)

Ok so this is a pretty good story. I was getting tapas with a few friends k? I got something called Croissant Mixto first and it was really good. But then I was like, "Ok guys... whatever those women got looks really good." I proceeded to look at the picture menu (which was about 15 feet away from our table) and I thought I had figured out what it was. Muslitos de Congrejo. Now I knew I was being adventurous alright? My friend Audi was like "congrejo is a meat! i know it's a meat!" and we were all like "Ok! Yeah! When in España, right?!" So I order them and what you see above is what came out. What's that? Oh! You'd like a close-up? Alright!

Mmm that's the kicker. See the claws? Yum.
Ok, so Rikki can't do fish. I can do just about anything except fish. So I tried a bite and almost passed out. It was basically just a really bad fish stick with a claw shoved in it. So if that's your thing THEY WERE GREAT! But personally... I was ok with two bites :) But it was a fun time :) Also, after the whole shebang, Audi exclaimed, "Oh that's right! Congrejo means crab!!!" Thanks Audi :P

This is me, Nat, Riley, and Audi eating tapas :)

These are the biggest carrots I've ever seen. I wanted to buy the whole box.

I was struggling to find a way to not look like such a gringo... so I bought a McD's cone. Don't you think it makes me look less American?

The train station in Madrid. Gorgeous!

I found the Ministry of Magic in Madrid! I was like "No. Way." But it's there! Too cool.

Audi and Nat. My brown friends. They're both 5'2" and morenas soooo I sometimes feel a little out of place wit them. Hahaha funny story. I got home yesterday and my chest was pretty red because I had forgotten sunscreen. So María was like, "Wow, you got some sun today!" and I said, "Yeah... more than I wanted haha." And she responds, "Well... you're just so WHITE!"
So thanks María :) hahaha

Beautiful fountain in Madrid

I can't remember what this is :( either the palacio we went in... or just another gorgeous building. I think it's just another gorgeous building.

This is the inside of a beautiful Palace we went in

Another pretty fountain in the middle of Madrid :)

Me and da compañera de cuarto.

Audi, Antón, y yo (see what I mean wit da whole white thang?)

Amigos! Anna, Will, Devaun, and Ben! This is in front of the Museo del Prado.

SO. ok. this is shortly after my Antón and I had the worst night of our lives! But... I think if I blog about it my mom will freak out :)
SO mom, just give me a call sometime soon ok?
Love you ;)
Haha but really, this was us sitting safely on a bus that would bring us back to our cute little home :) What a great two days! yesterday was full of Alcalá and amigos and today we went into Madrid for the first time. So much fun.
Familiarity with the language gets better every day :) Hasta pronto!

S tan cansada porque ahora son las tres en la mañana! Buenas noches!

26 April 2011

No Hablo Español...

Ay de mi. Yo estoy en Alcalá de Henares y pienso qué estoy en arriba de mi cabeza (CABETHA)!!! Pero, estoy emocionada :) Natalie y yo estamos en la casa de María y es tan bonita!!!!! María hizo pasta con verduras cocinadas para la comida. Fue tan deliciosa.... tan ENORME, pero tan deliciosa. El avion fue muy... chévere. La "comida" fue mas o menos bien. Natalie y yo miramos a Harry Potter 7 parte 1. También, tomamos unas siestas por... dos horas. Fue bien. Después de llegamos en el aeropuerto en Madrid, esperamos para el bus por 4 horas!!! No fue muy divertido, pero teníamos un buen tiempo... pero queríamos dormir!!!! Pues, finalmente el autobús llegó y fuimos al centro de Alcalá de Henares! Es tan hermosa allí! Nat y yo encontraron con María y fuimos a su casa. Pues, aquí estamos :) Nosotras no hemos dormido desde ayer a las 6 en la mañana. QUE CHÉVERE!!!!! Iremos a la ciudad :) Ciao!

Holy Hannah. I'm in Alcalá and I think I'm in over my head. BUT I'M WAYYYY EXCITED! Nat and I are in María's house and it's flippin adorable. María made pasta with fresh, cooked vegetables para lunch. It was way good... way huge! But way good. The plain was actually pretty cool! The "food" was more or less ok. Nat and I watched Harry Potter 7 and slept for about two hours in total. It was great. After we got to the airport in Madrid, we had to wait for like more than 4 hours for everyone else to arrive and for our bus. It was NOT fun, but we made it a good time :) BUT WE REALLY JUST WANT TO SLEEP! So, finally the autobús came and we went to the town center in Alcalá de Henares. It's way gorgeous there. Me and Natalie met María and she took us to her house. So, now we are here :) We haven't slept since yesterday at 6 in the morning. HOW FUN! We are gonna go check out da citayyy. Peace homies!


Yep, that's right! I'm really going!

HOLY HANNAH! After hours of airports and a 9-hour flight we're finally in MADRID!!! This is an overhead photo of our plane in España. Did you know you can actually see the names of the cities when you look at them from outer space? Who woulda thunk?!

España from my window :)

We're so excited (and tired) to be in Madrid! Fiesta!!!..... SIESTA!!!!!

Eating Los Mentos whilst waiting for the autobús.
Shout out to ma boy Kenny da boss Williams.
Come Mentos para siempre!!

S viviendo en España :)

20 April 2011

just another day of school

Aight. so. I left Provo yesterday. Took my last final from 7:55 AM til 10:25 AM. Got and A :) Doctrine and Covenants. boom. Then I went to the book store and bought 3 big boxes for packing and some peanut butter M&Ms cuz i was ALLLLLL done with Freshman year at BYU :) After that I spent allllll  the day packing with Kenny. I passed my cleaning check with flying colors, went on a date to Costco with Camie-cam in my brother's beautiful truck, and got everything ready to fly home (and somewhat ready to fly to Spain.) After all was complete, Cam brought over pizza :) what a way to go out. MA FAV FOOD! Then came time to say goodbye :( me and the roomies spent some time chatting and hugging and not crying... together. I love them. TONZ. Saw my girls Carly and Marin :) I adore them. a.d.o.r.e. Emily and Rachel and Alyssa and everybody i love so much! They just made me want to cry. Finally I went and said bye to McKay. Too sad. I'll be in Spain when he leaves on his mission so it was a very sad goodbye. He will do work though :) Love him. amazing kid. Lastly, Kenny got me all packed up and on my weary way to my brother's house.  He's leaving on his mission too. My boys. Love them. Miss them already. I bawled in my car to Justin Bieber the whole way to Devon's house. 

Next story. Today I woke up at 6 to come to school with Devon. Hehe! Neumont University is located in South Jordan and is a computer tech school. So basically... there are a LOT of gamers here. My brother and his friends are normal. That's fun. But I have some funny quotes. They go as follows.

Funny situation #1
Premise: Devon and his friend have been on their computers for about 10 minutes. Rikki is across the table from them drinkin OJ and just sitting. 
Dev: "Um... you know you can get on your computer... right?"
Me: "yeah.. i know"(doesn't move)
Dev: (after about a minute...) "ok well... maybe you should..." (five seconds... maybe seven...) "It's really kind of weird that you're not on your computer here..."

hahaha. that was an experience.

Funny situation #2
Premise: After sitting on our computers (yes i finally opened mine) for over an hour. Devon and his friend Jay have been playing some game where they build things and kill things and stuff... or something. 
Jay: "Devon, I used to be so productive in the mornings before I met you. I mean, I would read.. and do these equations on the board. Now I just kill zombies."

HAHAHAHAHA tell me that's not funny. If you just told me that that's not funny, YOU'RE WRONG!

Neumont University is the place to be. Hopefully I'll see Bronze Brown soon :)

11 April 2011

Catsup-Ketchup-Catch up

So like ok. How rude am I?! Just abandoning ya'll like that? Seriously I need to get me some mannerzzz. Anyway, its def bez time to play catch-up. Winter semester at BYU. Only two days of it left. Crazy huh? I can't even believe how this year flew by. Basically I'm just gonna post a ton o pics and caption dem alll. K? k:)

Alright, so over Christmas break I saw Billy Elliot wit ma homiez. Allison, Ellie Bellie, Lucy, and McKay (bein a total ladies man like always) It was fun but mostly it was Christmastime. So yeah. Christmas. Ummm did I meantion Christmas? J LOVE IT!!!!!

February 9: Kenneth Mitchell Williams receive his mission call :) WHAT A HAPPY DAY. HE will be serving for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the California, Long Beach mission. Hablando español.

Also, MY DEAR SWEET MCKAY RECEIVED HIS CALL AS WELL!!! He will be serving in the Russia, Samara mission..... Russian speaking :)

My boys. So happy to know them. They will do such good.

Kenny hit on Desiree. Quite often. What else is new?? ;) hehe

LAZER TAG WIT MA G'S!!!!!! too much fun. this is noodle doodle in a childrens ride :) love herrrr

This is my Doodle after her spectacular showing of CINDERELLA!!! She was the most amazing Spring EVAAAA!

Also... Nena is in the background being as gorgeous as ever. Yes.. I am in love with her.

Dezzy got a Cheesecake in the mail on her birthday (ALSO VALENTINE"S DAY) from her parents. Lucky for me... they packaged it in dry ice. SO no, kenny is not getting high. Just playin wit da dry ice. too much fun.

Hmmm Valentine's dance :) funnest thang eva! We went to a formal at some golf course and it was beautiful as heck!!!!!!!! Also... i got kenny a missionary bear for valentines day. SO lame i know but YOU CAN ONLY FIND THOSE IN UTAH!!!!!! so he sat safely in the backseat :) (that was kenny's doing. don't let him tell you otherwise)

This is a baby monkey.... riding backwards on a pig

These last three were of the pizza date I went on with my girl Natalie Castillo! She's gonna be my roomie in España! WE went to this place called the Slab. you order a "slab" of pizza. and they aren't kidding. look at how huge they are!!!! and worry you not, we ate them like men. yay future roomie!

Ok last but not least. Ice skating routine :) It was our (me, dezzy, courtney) last day of ice skating so we performed our routines. ours was 80s themed and it was to the red balloon song. here are some pics.
ohhhhh roomies. Funny. they kept saying they were cold when we were taking this pic. I never could understand why....

This is when my balloon popped... in our dress rehearsal.... so sad huh?

My friends :)

So there you have it. There's some of winter semester in a tiny nutshell. TINY nutshell. Ill try and recap more soon. Spain in 2 weeks :) crazy! Love ya'll. GOODNIGHT

P.s. sorry for any and all the typos. i didn't reread anything.