09 November 2010

Snappin photos

Last Sunday Noodle and I walked around campus and snapped a few pics. It was supa fun :)
Enough said-

J cuz we love motha naychuuuuuhhhh!!!!

01 November 2010


OMG these past three weeks have gotten away from me!! Let me get ya'll up to date. (I say ya'll assuming that the entire population of the universe reads my blog. cuz obvi.. they do.) Anyway. October 16th was a busy day for the roomies and I. First, I had my first PIANO RECITAL and holy heck i was so scared! And it SHOWED! haha i screw up all over the place. But it was still so much fun :) The recital consisted of me, a little girl, two little boys, and their mom. So.. yeah. It was fierce. These kids were great. And I played Twinkle Twinkle... haha j playin! I played Moonlight Sonata! Supes easy but supes fun :) So yes, I was required to dress in Halloween apparel so the day before, I ran to the closest Walgreens and picked up what I could find. This included a wig, fairy wings, and fake eyelashes. From the I threw on a tierra and some blue eye liner and called it some funky... fairy.. princess thing. But whatevs. It was convincing :P Here's a pic of my awesome roomies Natalie, and Courtney and Dezzy, and McKay who came to support me!!!

They da best!!!

Ok so after the piano recital, we got home and prepared for an insane evening of CORNMAZE activities!!! Thanksgiving Point is a place about 30 mins out of Provo towards Salt Lake that around Halloween time has this insane corn maze and TONS of other activities. So this party consisted of myself, Noodle, Courtney, Dezzy, Kenzie, Kenny, Camie-cam, Keith, Zac, and McKay. We drove to the Cornbelly's Corn maze at Thanksgiving point, spent the night having kernel fights in the maize (pun intended) and then we played on this giant trampoline-bubble-thing. Holy hannah it was intense. in tents. like camping. ok. anyway, funnest night evaaa. And to top it off, we all came back to our place after and ate PIZZZAAAAA! Only my second favorite food in the WURRLLD!! BAM! So yeah, and we roasted mallows and starbursts over the stove. And witnessed superman break in a window. It was later on the BYU Police Beat. Basically it was a super fun night. Here are some pics.

This is part of the posse j bein monstas

this is me and noodle. yeah. we are bfs. can't you feel that love?

j stalkin. (again, pun intended)

me and kenny-corn chillin in this hay pyramid thang

you are very welcome

Wow ok so that's one day done. Haha no we're getting closer, I promise. Last weekend, MY BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Dezi Moss and I had a getaway weekend. We slept over at Dev and Nicole's Friday night (OMG SO FUN) and then spent Saturday in Salt Lake and getting our nails done. Too fun. Also, I have to say this. My amazing sister made us zucchini soup and homemade English muffin toasting bread. then the next morning an array of breakfast panini's. I almost died. twice. it was heaven. Ok so here are some random pics.
so excited for the adventures the day holds


And also, somewhere in all of that I completely destroyed Kenny at Super Smash Bros. Just need to make it known.

So Saturday was the big Halloween dance at the Wilk and it was sick nasty!!!! Noodle and I dressed up as Twister and Scrabble. OMG it was so fun :) my wonderful mom sent us the little dresses and we took them and made them AWESOME. We added toole, feathers, ribbons, and lots of scrabble tiles on mine. And Nat wore these 20 inch heels that made her look like the hottest mama in the room. In the whole wide room. ooh. so yeah. supes fun night!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
the grapist, twister, scrabble, hermione obvi
my back side embelishment
yes.. i went there

ma face n hurrrr

Me and my bestest buddy McKay in our legendary pose :D

And now we are all caught up :) peace and blessinssss!!!

J out of breath!

11 October 2010

Livin the College Dream

A Homecoming dance, church, classes, scrubbing our gross (but precious!... but gross)apartment from head to toe for cleaning inspection and 63 hours (53 awake, 10 asleep)later... and I still haven't showered.

J nasty.. and tired

06 October 2010

General Conference

Alright all

Living in Utah has been such a blessing thus far! I love the mountains and my SCHOOL and living on my own and many more things. I am so blessed. And although I can't stand how crowded places are around here on Saturday nights (i.e. Costco because no one shops on Sundays) I love a lot about little ol' Provo. One blessing of living in Utah is that if you have an amazing friend who can score you tickets to the Sunday morning session of General Conference, you can see the Prophet and like a gazillion GA's in person and hear them preach the words of God!!! OMGOSH!

Ok so my best friend McKay calls me about a week before conference and says "RIK! I have 2 more tickets to the Sun morn sesh of GC!!! Do you and Natalie want to come??"

me "what?... what??? WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!??!?!?!?! OBVI!!!!!"

and that was that. I had an amazing time!! and LOVED hearing the General Authorities speak :) Let me share some of my favorite thoughts and a few pictures :)

Ok I'm going over my notes and there is TOO MUCH TO SHARE!!! for now anyway :) so I'm going to make you a deal!!! I'm going to stick with some of my favorite things President Monson said in the Sunday Morning session and you are going to go to lds.org and listen to all the other talks for all the other sessions k? I totes promise you won't regret it!!

President Thomas S. Monson- When he made himself the adviser of the Tabernacle Choir "I'm very proud of my choir!" and then he giggled :) haha how great must they have felt in that moment?! Seesh the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is so amazing. I'm so grateful that I got to hear them sing in person!!! and watch them rehearse! And watch them all weekend online. If you're not a member, and you have no interest in hearing LDS prophets speak about our church, but you wanna hear some good music, listen to the LDS General Conference sessions and listen to the Motab sings. I'm sorry but you won't be able to listen to it without feeling the Spirit. But do it anyway :)

Another thing Monson said that I loved was, "Beautiful music touches me that way." I love hearing people talk about the way music makes them feel. Music is so powerful. People who know me well know that I'm interested in music therapy. I am a firm believer in the fact that music can heal. So hearing Pres. Monson say that made me smile :) smile big :D

He also spoke about gratitude. I heard this theme a lot this weekend! BE GRATEFUL!! It's a divine principle :) Be grateful for everything! For your life, for your opportunities, for your family, for living 20 mins away from your brother and sister-in-law, for food in your fridge and your first pint of Ben and Jerry's in over a month, for the scriptures, for Joseph Smith, for a comfy bed, for a beautiful family who loves you, for roommates who are super different but bring out the best in each other, for showers that drain, for professors, for high school teachers who have changed you as a person, for the lessons your parents have taught you, for trials, for friends, for your talents and for your flaws, for your ability to overcome opposition, for your health, for your Father in Heaven and His son's atoning sacrifice. Be grateful. Have an attitude of gratitude and thank the Lord for everything (yes that means praying a lot! it's great, i promise!!)

Lastly, I'm going to combine 2 things. The first being a quote that makes me think of Bob Marley. I love me some bob! (That is, minus the drugs and shadiness and plus the priesthood!!) Bob has a song that says, "You just can't live in that negative way... make way for the positive day." Well said Bob :) ONE LOVE! Now, as much as I love those words, nothing is better than the words from the mouth of a prophet of God. Pres. Monson said, "REFUSE to remain in the realm of negative thought." ---chills. Pres. Mons is the bomb. Can we be honest? Here's my take. Heavenly Father loves us. Lucifer, does not. He wants us to be miserable like he is. He is really good at making us feel like squat because when we are down, we don't want to be grateful, or spiritual, or helpful. We cannot be our best selves when we are constantly thinking negative thoughts. SO STICK IT TO THE MAN! REFUSE to be negative! I don't know about you, but I do not want to give Satan that satisfaction! So I'm sorry mr. man-down-south, but if it makes you happy to see me sad, THEN CONSIDER ME A BURNING BALL OF HAPPINESS! :D:D:D:D

Ok I lied, I'm not combining the last two. Here is the last one :) are you ready? big stuff coming up.
and he said,
"Love overpowers jealousy."
I don't know how else to break it down. It just does! take that to heart! <3 (omgosh i made a heart!) and yes the "period" is important enough to receive its own hyphen! Love overpowers jealousy! PERIOD! Let that one touch you :)

OK! Picture time!!!

So this is j the MORMON TABERNACLE CHOIR practicing before the Sunday afternoon sesh of GC. TOO SICK!

Temple Square after conference :) So picturesque!

From behind- no back of a building should be that beautiful..
except for maybs the House of the Lord :)

I had to get one of Angel Moroni in there obvi! Tell me that's not beautiful :)
Next time I go, I am taking pictures from the front! WOO!

J lovin' being Spiritually fed :)

Cheese art..

So Natalie and I had a slight problem today. We were cutting slices off a block of cheese to eat with some crackers. About 30 minutes in we both said that we thought the cheese we were eating was disgusting. Medium Cheddar.. not our fav. So in any normal situation, two people would throw away the gross cheese and try something new. Natalie and I felt super bad about throwing away almost an entire block of cheese... so we just kept eating it.. for an hour. Then Dezzy and Kenzie came in and asked what we were doing. "J eating this cheese..." Dezzy tried some and almost threw up. She said we should really just toss it. I said we couldn't waste it so we needed to do something with it!

..... (awkward silence).....

.....(more awkward silence).......... (abe lincoln)......

SCULPTURE!!!!!!! So I decided to make a cheese sculpture of my main man ABE!!!
It took precision and focus but I think he turned out pretty well :) for a novice anyway :)

J workin diligently!!

The finished work. Abraham Lincoln. Isn't he handsome? HONESTLY!

J learning new skillz in college :)

01 October 2010

I love my brother.

Just so we're clear, I've got the best brotha in the world. I don't know if y'all know this but I have a fussy printer in my kitchen. So my brother and I were talking today and he was like "I'M COMING TO FIX IT!" and I was like "OKAY BATMAN!" (not quite how it went down.. but close enough.) So Devon arrives at 2:20. At 2:45 Rikki leaves for choir and Devon says he will be done around 3. At 2:48 Rikki sends a text to all her roommates saying that Devon is in over, fixing our printer, thus, don't be alarmed when you come home to a man in the kitchen. Mmm.. I think I'm bored of 3rd person. OKAY! I went to choir, and then to the advisement center at the Wilk and had a good chat about my FUTURE!!!!! On my way home I picked up some Jamba and called my mom to tell her about all of my endeavors! It is now just about 5 o'clock. So I'm on the phone with my mom and I'm sippin' my Strawberry Nirvana (HUN CAL!) with soy protein (I later shared said smoothie with my brother, but CONFESSION! I didn't tell him there was soy protein in it because I don't think he would have drunk it.. drank it.. drinken it), and I walk into my kitchen and I see my BROTHER!!!! OMG DEV!? WTFLIP are you still doin in my hizzle?! (Next part is Dev talking) "Me? Oh, I'm J fixin' yo printaaaa still." (Again, not quite what he said, but close enough.) Me- OMGOSH brother its been 2 hours and a half!! (I think that may have been said in my head.) Nonetheless!!! My wonderful brother stayed at my apartment for over 3 hours fixing my printer because he is the bomb and I just love him so much. SO MUCH! It was super good seeing him :) and chatting with him! And listening to him make fun of the stupid people who live behind me. Isn't life great? AHH! what a great day! And want to know the best part?? I'M GOING TO HIS HOUSE TOMORROW TO WATCH GENERAL CONFERENCE WITH HIM AND NICOLE!!!!! I love my family :) And General Authorities!! WOO!


30 September 2010

Shout out to my girls :)

Dear Kathryn and Emma,

I loved your beautiful cards in the mail girls :) I am so glad to know that you two are happy and healthy! I hope school is going well for both of you and that you are still singing and smiling all the time! I love you two very much and I cannot wait to see you at Thanksgiving! I thought you guys might like to know how Bug is adjusting to Utah. He LOVES it here :) He misses his friends though!! Here are some pictures so you can see his progress!

This is Bug waking up in the morning and deciding what to eat for breakfast. Lookin' like a cutie :)

Oh this is Bug just gettin' ready for his favorite class!!!
Book of Mormon is the best :) Our teacher is great!

These are Bug's roommates! They're super fun!!

Hugs! This is me and Bug sending our love to you :)

I miss you girls so much and I want you to have a great year! I will be seeing you before you know it! Read your scriptures and say your prayers. And tell your parents how much you love them! You are so blessed to have them :) I love you girls. Don't you ever forget it!!


J missin' my favorite girls!

28 September 2010

What's wrong with the world today?

So I know it's late. And I don't want you to think that I'm up this late studying for a psych test that I have in the morning because that is not the case at all. I just can't sleep. You see there are some things that have been on my mind that I just can't get out. Sad thoughts. It's just... whats wrong with the world we live in? I mean people are getting diseases from beasts of the earth, tableware is being misused for evil. We are facing dark times my friends. I found this song that sort of sums up my emotions. I only hope you can watch with an open heart.

I think the crisis is clear. The solution? That's the hard part. But I am confident that together, we can make a difference. (oh, and i do have a psych test in 6 hours...)

J preachin'

27 September 2010

No cougar, no football, no service-

So I've just started my fifth week of school at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT (so fun!). When I got out here in mid-August, my super great brother and daddy invested in a state-of-the-art, wireless printer for our dorm. Cool huh!? SUPER! One problem: it won't print anything. For a week Natalie and I tried endlessly to send print jobs and always got the same error- "No Communication With Printer." Around the first week of school my trusty brother was called in on the job and he had it working just fine once the WiFi was set up properly (woops). So the next day I tried to print an assignment and the loathsome message popped up. After countless failures Natalie and I gave up and started trekking to the library to print.

One Saturday, Natalie's dad was in town and he took us to 7 peaks. WHAT A FUN DAY! When we got home we had to race to get ready for the game (my first ever Cougar Football game!!!) Just before it was time to leave we realized we still had to go to the library to print our tickets!!! There was no way we would have time so I figured I would try and send it to the printer just to see if I could get lucky. Lo and behold. There on the printer were two shiny tickets to the game. I was agog, I was aghast! I gave my printer a little pat and said "good job boy :)"

For two weeks after that event our printer rejected any more print jobs. "No Communication with printer." I think that's its way of giving us the silent treatment. Anyway, two days ago was the next football game and this little guy in my mind wondered if the printer would print tickets again. Earlier that day i tried printing out an essay with no luck so odds were slim. But I'm sure you've already guessed what happened :) Good ol' printer must be a die hard Cougar fan!

So in case you didn't hear, Natalie and I have the coolest printer in town. No USB cables, no hassle, just a quality print job... but only if you're printing BYU Cougar Football tickets :)

J reppin' the Cougs!

24 September 2010

OMG New Hobbie!

Alright friends. Here's the word.
I got my new BEAUTIFUL journal in the mail this week and I am just addicted to writing in it!
On top of that, one of my roommates (Kenzie) started a blog this week and has been trying to talk all of us into getting them too. I caved. Peer pressure. Haha so I'm gonna get my roomie Natalie to get one too and now I'll have two sources of writing release! PARTY ON!

J excited :)